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ο ιατρός dr. Κωνσταντίνος Καϊάφας καθιστός στο γραφείο του

The ophthalmologist Konstantinos Kaiafas was born 1987 in Athens but grew up in Patras. He attended the 6th Gymnasium and 6th Lyceum of Patras, and after sitting for the 2004 Panhellenic exams, he began his study at the School of Medicine in the University of Patras. He graduated in 2010 with a grade of “Very Good” and in 2011 he completed his military service in Mytilene, Lesvos.

In 2012, he went to Germany where he received the license to practice medicine (Approbation), after succeeding in the relevant exams. At the same year, he started his five- year residency in ophthalmology at the clinic “Augenärzte OWL Dres Giers, von Lovenberg und Faßbender” in Detmold. This is the largest clinic in the region Ost-Westphalen-Lippe, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, and one of the largest in Germany as it processes over 25,000 surgeries per year. In this clinic, Dr Kaiafas dealt with a wide variety of medical cases, that cover the whole range of ophthalmology, and was trained to offer diagnosis and treatment according to the most up- to-date medical guidelines. He was particularly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of specific retinal diseases (age-related macular degeneration, vascular occlusions, diabetic retinopathy), diseases of the lens (cataract) and the optic nerve (glaucoma).

Furthermore, Dr Kaiafas has gained many years of surgical experience and specialises in:

  • cataract microsurgery (with the method of phacoemulsification)
  • the treatment of glaucoma in various ways (either with the most modern minimally invasive surgery (MIGS: Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery) or with the gold standard surgery (trabeculectomy), or with laser (SLT, ELT, ALT, YAG)
  • refractive surgery (correction of myopia, astigmatism and other refractive errors with the use of excimer and / or femto laser, Trans PRK, Lasik, treatment of keratoconus with crosslinking)
  • in eyelid microsurgeries (chalazion OP, blepharochalasis etc.).

During his residency, Dr Kaiafas did research work at the University of Duisburg / Essen. In 2016, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Medicine (Dr. Med.) with the grade of “Very Good” after successfully defending his PhD dissertation. His dissertation is titled: “Losses of endothelial cells after uncomplicated phacoemulsification using various viscoelastic devices” and he was supervised by Professor Kohlhaas and Professor Schilling.

In April 2017, he completed the residency of ophthalmology by successfully passing the relevant exams in Münster, Germany. One month later, he also passed the pan-European specialty exams in Paris, and he was thus awarded the certificate from the European Academy of Ophthalmology and the title of FEBO. From 2017 and until September 2019, Dr Kaiafas continued working at the clinic “Augenärzte OWL” as a specialized ophthalmologist.

Since November 2019, Dr. Konstantinos Kaiafas provides his medical services as a specialised surgical ophthalmologist at the modern private clinic he runs in Patras, 67 Agiou Konstantinou Agyias street.

ο ιατρός dr. Κωνσταντίνος Καϊάφας εν ώρα εργασίας

λογότυπο του Dr. Κωνσταντίνου Καϊάφα


67 Agiou Konstantinou Agyias str, Patras, 26442

Phone number: +30 2614 000 379

Mobile number: +30 6989 110 445

Email: info@drkaiafas.gr


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